FLOETROL: The Ultimate Paint Additive for Smooth, Flawless Finishes
FLOETROL paint conditioner is a latex paint additive that makes interior and exterior latex or acrylic paint flow and level like oil-based paints while compensating for the adverse effects that weather and surface conditions have on paints and primers.
⭐ Canadian FLOETROL
⭐ Makes latex paints, primers, stains and textured coatings flow more smoothly
⭐ Improves flow to reduce brush and roller marks
⭐ Lubricates paint to reduce wear and tear on spray guns
⭐ Improves the coverage and will not change the color or sheen of most paints
⭐ Restores luster to faded, weathered fiberglass
⭐ Inhibits rust on metal surfaces
⭐ Extends dry time
Recommended For:
Use in interior or exterior latex or water-based paints and primers.
Dry Time: When added to paint, may increase dry time. High humidity or temperatures below 50°F | 10°C may prolong drying and recoating times.
VOC: Does not exceed 50 g/L
Available Sizes: Canada - Quart/946 ml, 1 Gallon/3.78 L, 2 Gallon Value Pack, 4 Gallon Value Pack